
西塔疗愈之身体扫描解读 Body Scan of Theta Reading

发布时间2022-12-29 15:48:08   点击数:
如鸿毛般轻盈地进入人体, 接受身体是惊人的事实!当你进入其中,营造出魔幻的感觉!如果你放松下来并让这种感觉流淌,你会惊讶地发现你的解读是多么的正确!
Go into the body as light as a feather floating on the breeze. Accept that the body is amazing. When you go into it, create the feeling of magic! If you relax and let that feeling flow, you will be surprised to see how right on you are.
The best thing to do when we scan the body is project a sense of love into it. When you go through the body, remember that you are not alone; you have the best tutor in the world. Just accept the healing and witness it as it is done. Healing energy isn’t created from nothing. The Creator’s love is the energy that makes the process work. Bring the Creator’s love into the healing. 
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  • 身体是奇妙的
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Would you like to know what it feels like to know
That miracles happen every day?
That the body is a miracle?
How not to give into fear, anger, or hatred?
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西塔疗愈 金凤老师

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